"I am more concerned with biblical burden and motivation intensity, than I am with the particulars of awareness or knowledge of the lay of the land in the world with regard to how many groups are there, where do the live, how unreached are they. "
Recently, though, Noah has felt a tug to uproot from Austin and his tight network here to follow Jesus to his new home, in a nation thousands of miles away where he knows almost no one - except the Lord.
"If we're motivating people with an inspiring moment, guilt, shame and fear, or even a paycheck we give them every other week, then we are not motivated by the Gospel. And I for one don't want to be a part of a movement that isn't motivated by the love of Jesus." Neil Cole
If the Gospel doesn't motivate your people, then you can shout and scream and dance and try to motivate them and you'll never see a movement. Find out why.
Leonce Crump and his Missional Community at Renovation Church talk about the joys and challenges of planting a church in a diverse neighborhood in Atlanta.
When Paul is urging the church to imitate him, he's saying yes there is lots of great information you can get out there, but you need a father. You need to stand at my shoulder, because you can't be what you can't see.
"When it comes to talking about making disciples, it's not about individual followers of Jesus, on their own, lone rangers making disciples. It's about being apart of a body and together making disciples." David Platt
Jesus' method was this: spend time with the few in order to reach the many. Why is it that our churches spend so much time on the many to reach the few?