Adoption and foster care can be so overwhelming that it takes all the focus and energy that parents can muster to survive and provide what they feel is best. Here are 7 ways to survive and even thrive.
Here are a few of our favorite books that we at Verge can recommend, and would love for you to pick up one (or all of them!) and be inspired, challenged, and deepened in your walk with Jesus.
If we don’t get what the Bible says about systemic and corporate evil and racism, we won’t only misunderstand the Bible, but we won’t understand our non-white brothers and sisters’ pain.
Stew, Founding Director of Verge Network, interviews Soong-Chan Rah about racial justice in America today, and how we can take the first step to moving forward.
Pastor John Onwuchekwa recorded an impassioned message for The Austin Stone Community Church about prayer, unity and the need for racial reconciliation.
Dr. John Perkins, Helen Lee, Jorge Mendoza, Michael "Stew" Stewart and William 'Duce' Branch discuss the state of racial justice in our country and the need for racial intelligence.
Dope Church is a growing community of Christians committed to being family with their neighbors struggling in addiction, the sex industry, and the criminal lifestyle.
The civil rights movement succeeded not simply because the arc of history bends toward justice but because, embedded in our common humanity, we know that Someone is bending it toward a Judgment Seat.