The Online Courses You Need To Flourish In Difficult Times
On-demand discipleship and leadership courses to equip you to flourish

Live on mission
Verge Lab is a supportive community of missional leaders who encourage one another, answer questions, share ideas, solve problems — together: for each other and with each other.

Lead redemptively
Verge Lab is advanced education for making a difference. We present the best strategies and tools used today — while making sure to filter what works from what doesn’t.

Multiply disciples
Inside Verge Lab, we pull back the curtain on the topics, tactics, and strategies that don’t show up in public blog posts. You’ll learn all the strategies, tools, and tactics for making a difference.
Discover how the Verge Lab training
and community can help leaders like you
flourish in difficult times
See how it works!
Join Today And Get Instant Access To...
MEMBER BENEFIT: On-demand Training With Our Extensive Online Course Library
($4392 Value)
Just to be clear, these Master Classes aren’t just training videos or eBooks…a Master Class is more like an “ Online Course on rocket fuel!”
Each Master Class is long enough to be immediately useful and short enough to be doable.
Here’s how it works: we have resourced and trained over 3 million leaders and practitioners from 100+ countries…
And along the way we have curated a large number of strategies and tactics.
More importantly, we DOCUMENT each strategy in step-by-step “Master Classes” so the best ideas could be repeated and implemented by different leaders, groups and churches.
There’s no fluff. Master Classes are all about taking action and getting results as quickly and easily as possible.
And now I want you to have this library of Master Classes, the very best of our training…
…and I want you to have it all FREE for the next 30 days.
(Master Classes would normally sell for $97-$147 each...)
Once you’re inside, with just a couple of clicks you can access our:
- 25-Part Master Class For Implementing The Best-Of-The-Best Disciplemaking Tools & Resources
- Step-by-Step Process for Transitioning Small Groups to Missional Communities
- 21-Step Checklist for Leading A Missional Culture in Your Church or Community
- 5-Step Guide for Empowering Everyday People to Share The Gospel
- 'Operating System' For Effectively Making & Multiplying Disciples
- 8-Part Guide for Launching Missional Communities
- Simple Method For Creating The Right Environments Where Disciplemaking Can Flourish
- 14-Point Practical Guide for Living Missionally Without Losing Your Heart
- 8-Part Guide for Reaching and Discipling Millennials
- 13-Part Checklist of the Paradigms & Practices for Transitioning From Church to Reproducing Movement
- 5-Part Practical Guide for Coaching Missional Communities and Leaders
…and that’s just a SAMPLE!
Check out some of the Master Classes waiting for you in the Verge Lab MEMBERS ONLY area...
Since implementing some of the simple steps from many of the Master Classes, our discipleship classes and overall discipleship has taken off.
Scotty, Verge Lab Member
Literally, if you want to get trained on virtually any aspect of missional leadership or disciplemaking, we have a Master Class for it in the library or in the process of creating for you.
In the past these Master Classes were never pulled together into one place, but with the launch of the premium level of membership, Verge Lab, we have decided to "open source" our entire library and make them available to you.
Today you have an opportunity to join Verge Lab and get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the entire Master Class library as a welcome gift.
What amazing Master Classes about missional communities! Amazing! Loving Verge Lab experience so far!
Charles, Verge Lab Member
MEMBER BONUS #1: Verge Praxis Webinar Trainings
As a member, you also get exclusive access to Verge Praxis, webinars with practitioners that focus on practical tools, case studies, resources, and what’s working right now.
Once you’re a member, you can access all of our Verge Praxis Webinars like:
- Being The Church with Francis Chan… we get into the nitty-gritty and reality of disciplemaking, church, conflict, expectations and leadership
- Gospel Fluency with Jeff Vanderstelt... we look at exactly how all people--Christians and non-Christians alike--can apply the gospel on a regular basis to everyday life and problems
- The Sacrament of Party with Hugh Halter... we unpack the theology of party as well as give you practical etiquette and ideas for making merriment a way of life and a way of mission
- Developing Leaders 101 with Kevin Peck… we explore the foundational strategies, practices and tools you'll need to develop leaders
- Case Study: Missional Community Practices… we go in-depth on the practices and rhythms of healthy Missional Communities
- And much more!
In the past, these kinds of interviews and resources were for live events only, but as a part of "open-sourcing" our trainings we’re opening up these webinars to Verge Lab members as well.
Not only will you get the latest and greatest ideas and strategies (before they’ve been turned into Master Classes), you’ll also have a chance to ask questions to me or anyone else we are interviewing that week.
MEMBER BONUS #2: Verge Engage Community
As a Lab member you’re also getting access to our private, online peer-to-peer coaching group, "Verge Engage".
Just like a traditional coaching group, Verge Engage is all about:
- Sharing what’s working
- Getting help with what isn’t
- Sharing stories and resources from your context
- Connecting with like-minded leaders
Once you’re a part of and committed, members of this coaching group (and others) will be ready, willing and able to come to your aid.
But fair warning: You will be expected to do the same.
A very powerful community... I'm very blessed for being part of this family.
Aaron, Verge Lab Member
MEMBER BONUS #3: Verge Next Webinar Trainings
As a member, you also get exclusive access to Verge Next, webinars with experts that focus on culture, faith and work, current events, trends in mission, and the future of the church.
Once you’re a member, you can access all of our Verge Next Webinars like:
- How To Engage The Culture Without Losing The Gospel with Russell Moore… we explore how we as the church can engage social and political issues with a bigger vision in mind: the gospel of Jesus Christ
- Biblical Ethics of Sexuality with Jackie Hill Perry... we discuss why and how Scripture’s sexual ethics are good for the world
- Trends in Mission and the Church with Alan Hirsch... an enlightening conversation about the emerging trends in mission and the church, and what that means for the church in the West
- And much more!
- Discounted access to upcoming live training events. We’ve hosted live training events since 2010. You’ll get first crack at attending these hands-on events, and you’ll pay less.
- Exclusive discounts on our Online Courses. When we launched our first full Online Course called Disciplemaking Blueprint we had no idea it already would be utilized by thousands of leaders. Get exclusive discounts to the Blueprint as well as the many other full Online Courses we have in the pipeline.
- Discounts on resources from our partners. We're constantly curating tools and resources from our partners that you’ll enjoy discounts on when you join the Verge Lab community.
- A private interactive forum so you can network with others and get personal answers to your questions.
- Priority support with any questions, issues or barriers you may be having.
GET ACCESS: Free For 30 Days
We are accepting a limited number of Verge Lab Members during this next phase of Verge Lab. With this free trial, you will have access to Verge Lab for FREE for 30 days, AND at a deep, deep discount.
The amount of training, education, advice and networking you’ll get from your Verge Lab membership is easily worth $8,000 or more.
Join today as a Verge Lab Member (with your Free 30-day Trial) and save with one annual payment of $1188 $297 (70% off!), or choose the easy monthly billing option of just $99/month $29/month (70% off!).
Get all the ongoing education, the exclusive Verge Praxis and Verge Next Webinar Trainings, full online community access, instant access to tons of resources, discounts and much more!
Best missional training and teaching I have found yet.
- Tim, Verge Lab Member
YES! I'd like to upgrade my membership to Verge Lab as a monthly Member for $99 FREE for 30-days then $29 every month as long as I remain a member. I understand that membership will automatically renew each month, and that I am receiving a massive 70% discount. I also understand that I can cancel at any time.
YES! I'd like to upgrade my membership to Verge Lab as a yearly Member for $1188 FREE for 30-days then $297 every year as long as I remain a member. I understand that membership will automatically renew each year, and that I am receiving a massive 70% discount. I also understand that I can cancel at any time.
I would recommend this to any church leader looking to reach out to their community and to grow the kingdom of God in a relevant way.
- Les, Verge Lab Member
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