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Your Disciplemaking Blueprint

Making A Difference Just Became Doable

Sneak preview:

Things have drastically changed in the last 12 months, right?

Inherited methods for making a difference just aren’t having the same effect. All of us may start out with the right goals, but somewhere along the way, we get off track.

If you really want to make a difference you need to become an effective disciplemaker.

And You Need A Blueprint To
Become A More Effective Disciplemaker

Want to become a better disciplemaker?

Do you feel like you're just going through the motions and not effectively making and multiplying disciples?

Do you find yourself stumbling over the hidden, treacherous barriers that keep sabotaging your attempts at making disciples?

Are there times when you just scratch your head and ask yourself, "What does it even mean to be a disciple... and how could I even make a difference through disciplemaking?"

Do you feel like you still have unhealthy disciplemaking habits?

Do you feel frustrated and confused about what to do next in your disciplemaking, or worse... afraid, timid and ready to quit?

It doesn't have to be this way.
Effective Disciplemaking Is Possible

I'm Stew, the Founding Director of Verge Network.

We've spent the last 10 years equipping and training leaders for effective mission... over 3.5 million leaders in 150+ countries have utilized Verge's resources to get equipped for effective disciplemaking.

The leaders and practitioners we've been able to work with and learn from are effectively making disciples and leading movements all over the world.

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We are often asked,
“How do I effectively make disciples?”

Well, it doesn’t happen accidentally. Effective disciplemaking requires training and accountability... and a deep investment.

In thousands of hours with thousands and thousands of leaders we've discovered that most followers of Jesus really have a heart to see the gospel multiply and flourish in mighty ways.

But too many are using outdated formulas for times that have changed dramatically in recent years... they are doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Too many people have never been taught the why, what and how of disciplemaking - of making a difference in the world.

We want to show you how to reverse that.

There is a blueprint for effective disciplemaking!

Although this course took us years to develop, it is now only a few clicks away from you reaping the tremendous benefits. That’s why I'm sharing it with you.

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It's called...
Disciplemaking Blueprint

Disciplemaking Blueprint is an online training program... a 14-module course that walks you through developing a proven plan for effectively making disciples.

This online course walks with you through this process. It will help you get to the heart of disciplemaking, discover the priority of disciplemaking, learn the "what" and "how" of disciplemaking, and—most importantly—set you up with a blueprint for effective disciplemaking.

You’ll get 14 different modules that help move you from ineffective to effective discipleship. Collectively, it will provide you with an incredible amount of clarity and confidence for making a difference.

If you are serious about making a difference by becoming an effective disciplemaker, then this training program is absolutely for you.

After going through this process, you’ll know what effective disciplemaking looks like, what’s currently holding you back from being effective, what you need to do right now, and how to utilize the right tools and training to be the effective disciplemaker you’ve wanted to be!

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Here's What You'll Learn:

  • The top 7 things that will help you endure (and prevail) in effective disciplemaking
  • The 4 ways to know what a true disciple looks like
  • The 3 greatest barriers to discipleship in our culture (and how to overcome them)
  • The right tools to start and sustain effective discipleship relationships
  • The real heart of effective disciplemaking (including the one thing that could change everything)
  • A "deep-dive" into the secret habits of fruitful disciplemakers
  • The 8 non-negotiable components of effective disciplemaking
  • 14 practical tips for effective disciplemaking
  • 7 key insights that will give you the tools and motivation to keep disciplemaking central in your life
  • 9 hidden (and not-so-hidden) barriers to effective disciplemaking (and what to do about them)
  • A 3-part series that uncovers what a true disciple looks like (and how to make them)
  • The 3 simple patterns and practices that effective disciplemakers use every day (one of them might surprise you)
  • The tips that effective disciplemakers use to share their faith in culturally relevant ways
  • The 3 things you absolutely must balance to be an effective disciplemaker
  • The 8 marks of fruitful disciplemaking communities
  • The 6 marks of a transformed disciple
  • And so much more!
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Ask yourself this: Would I be willing to invest in the kind of training I need to become an effective disciplemaker?

The work you put into the Disciplemaking Blueprint could potentially be the most rewarding investment you will make as someone with a desire to make a difference.

The Disciplemaking Blueprint will give you vision, resources and a roadmap to making disciples who make disciples.

Meet Your Guides

And many more!

The presenters are phenomenal... I'm really struggling to pick one favorite thing, but I would say hearing teaching from my favorite teachers (Platt, Chan, Hirsch, Breen) was the best part of this for me.

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Really enjoying hearing from such a diverse group of disciple makers. One thing that shines through over and over again - It's all about Jesus!  It's His plan done His way that will change the world.

- Larry in Arizona

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What's The Price?

Normally starting at $997, the deeply discounted, flash sale price for the Disciplemaking Blueprint is just 3 payments of $79 (or $197 one-time), but here's the thing:

Registration is only open through Thursday, December 10th at Midnight PST.

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This course is an online training program, and just like any class, we have a beginning and an end. Plus, we don’t want you to wait another minute to become a more effective disciplemaker.

Whether it’s your opportunity for a fresh start or a necessary restart, now is absolutely the time to do it.

That’s why this course is only available until Thursday, December 10th at Midnight PST. After that, it goes away.

So if you want to start effectively making disciples today, register now by choosing an option and clicking below.

These types of programs are rare for Verge and it won’t be around forever. So what we’re going to do is open up registration for just a few days and, if you miss the window to register, then you’ll have to wait until the next class opens up.

  • Joining the Disciplemaking Blueprint was the best ministry decision I have made this year. The material and the presenters have been phenomenal.
    Jen from Minnesota

2 Options To Help You Become
A More Effective Disciplemaker

3-Payment Plan
$79**3 payments of $79
  • ★ 14-Module Course (delivered weekly)
  • ★ 3 Bonus Modules (17 Bonus Workshops!)
  • ★ Downloadable Guides & Resources
  • ★ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • ★ 6 On-demand Coaching Webinars
  • ★ Exclusive Online Community
  • ★ 24/7 Access on any device
Get Access Now
*3 monthly payments of $79

My biggest initial concern was with cost. Would it really be worth the money? The answer, hands down, unquestionably, and indisputably is a loud, resounding YES! There is a wealth of practical information that can be immediately put to use. It is truly a blessing to be part of this amazing community!


Chris in Michigan Chris in Michigan

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Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus Module 1:

The Keys To Missional Disciplemaking Communities

Have you ever wondered what the keys are to missional communities that multiply? What are the common denominators to communities that multiply? In this module, which includes a video interview with 5 of the top thinkers and practitioners as well as an hour-long workshop on missional disciplemaking communities, you will learn the following:

  • The main mistakes most leaders make when leading disciplemaking communities (and how to avoid them)
  • How to understand and define "missional"
  • How to disciple people in missional communities
  • The differences between a small group and a missional disciplemaking community
  • Why a disciplemaking community is more than a support group
  • The difference between a social activist group and a disciplemaking community
  • and much more!
  • Presenters include: Jo Saxton, Jeff Vanderstelt, Alan Hirsch, Dhati Lewis, Caesar Kalinowski, Stew and Todd Engstrom
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Bonus Module 2:

Advanced Disciplemaking Strategies & Techniques

Once you have the foundations and habits of effective disciplemaking established, what are the next steps to continue developing advanced strategies for disciplemaking? What are some advanced techniques for disciplemaking? In this module, which includes 3 hour-long workshops from several top educators and practitioners, you will learn the following:

  • How to shape worldviews and beliefs through storytelling, experiences, and relationships
  • How to incorporate a dialogical approach to disciplemaking
  • The 6 elements foundational to disciplemaking multiplication, and how they fit together
  • What principles and practices give rise to multiplication of disciples
  • Simple, reproducible disciplemaking patterns and practices demonstrated through role play that can be used in any context
  • and much more!
  • Presenters include: Alan Hirsch, Caesar Kalinowski, and George Patterson
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Bonus Module 3:

Leading a Disciplemaking Movement

It is one thing to be an effective disciplemaker - it is another thing altogether to lead a movement of disciplemakers. What are the traits, character and skills necessary to lead a disciplemaking movement? What are the common denominators to movement leaders? In this module, which includes 12 seminars from some of the top movement leaders and practitioners, you will learn the following:

  • The 5 leadership roles necessary to unleash a disciplemaking movement (and why 3 of them are being overlooked in the church today)
  • The main mistakes most leaders make when leading disciplemaking movements (and how to avoid them)
  • How most leaders confuse strategy and structure, and how to leverage both for movement
  • The right kind of systems to put in place that lead to a movement
  • The kind of adaptive leadership and catalytic environments required to lead a movement
  • and much more!
  • Presenters include: Alan Hirsch, Jeff Vanderstelt, Neil Cole, David Watson, Francis Chan, Dave Gibbons, Ed Stetzer, Dhati Lewis, Dave Ferguson & more!
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Bonus 4:

Coaching Webinars

I’m super excited about this! Learn from some of the best disciplemaking leaders through these Coaching Webinars. We’ve got a STACKED line-up of leaders already, and I can’t wait to jump in to these webinars with you and all these leaders.

These webinars alone are worth the price of the course.

Learn from the following leaders:

  • Francis Chan
  • Jeff Vanderstelt
  • Dhati Lewis
  • Kevin Peck
  • Alan Hirsch
  • Todd Engstrom
  • Justin Lopez
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At last someone has put together a discipleship resource telling us "what it is" and "how to do it". What a relief!
- Mark in the U.K.

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There’s Absolutely No Risk:

You Have My Full, 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

The Disciplemaking Blueprint comes with a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee. If you decide during that time that it's not right for you, just send an email to [email protected] and you’ll be issued a full and prompt refund. No questions asked.

And, yes, it's that easy.  🙂

- Stew, Founding Director of Verge Network & Conferences

The Time to Invest in Your Disciplemaking Blueprint is Now!

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This training program gives you the opportunity to take one of the most important steps you’ll ever take in your disciplemaking efforts. NOW is the time to become an effective disciplemaker by creating your Disciplemaking Blueprint.

By going through this program, you can have a blueprint and clear plan of action for effective disciplemaking.

Imagine how that would feel...

  • Imagine the results when you truly see disciplemaking as a priority in your life.
  • Imagine the impact when you get the tools and training necessary to help you start BELIEVING that God has uniquely called and equipped you for making a difference through disciplemaking.
  • Imagine boldly walking into your next discipleship relationship with intention, resolve, tools... and a plan to invest strategically.
  • Imagine if the end result of your next discipleship relationship is NOT a false start or failed relationship but a man or woman deeply devoted to Christ and his commands.
  • Imagine moving from comfortable semi-discipleship relationships to courageous, intentional and fruitful disciplemaking.
  • Imagine being equipped with the tools and practices to truly make a difference in your family, neighborhood, community and city.
  • Imagine not just going through the motions but effectively making and multiplying disciples.
  • Imagine that instead of stumbling over the hidden barriers that keep sabotaging your attempts at disciplemaking, you have the tools and resources to become an effective disciplemaker.
  • Imagine having healthy disciplemaking habits.
  • Imagine throwing off the frustration and confusion about what to do next in your disciplemaking, and feeling empowered to make a difference in the world today.

Now is the time to become a more effective disciplemaker. If not now, then when? If not you, then who? Now's the time to take that first step and register. Effective disciplemaking begins now.

Register for the Disciplemaking Blueprint and join us today.

See you on the inside!

- Stew

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Here's what you get with the Disciplemaking Blueprint Course:

  • A 14-Module Course on how to multiply effective disciplemakers...
  • 3 Bonus Modules on Disciplemaking Communities, Advanced Strategies and Leading Disciplemaking Movements
  • Downloadable Guides & Resources
  • Exclusive Online Community
  • 6 Coaching Webinars
  • Instant Access to the MyVerge Library - 20 eBooks and Reports on Disciplemaking & Missional Strategies
  • 30-day money back guarantee. No matter the reason.
  • 24/7 access on any device

…enroll now for $997 $197 or 3 monthly payments of $79.

2 Options To Help You Become
A More Effective Disciplemaker

3-Payment Plan
$79**3 payments of $79
  • ★ 14-Module Course (delivered weekly)
  • ★ 3 Bonus Modules (17 Bonus Workshops!)
  • ★ Downloadable Guides & Resources
  • ★ 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • ★ 6 On-demand Coaching Webinars
  • ★ Exclusive Online Community
  • ★ 24/7 Access on any device
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*3 monthly payments of $79

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions...

  • q-iconIs there a guarantee?

    Yep…all our trainings have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee. In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!

  • q-iconWhat happens after I purchase Disciplemaking Blueprint?

    After you submit your order, you’ll receive a login (username and password) via email. This is how you’ll access the Member Dashboard. That’s where you’ll find all of the lessons, bonuses, Coaching Webinars, and downloadable resources. You will also receive an e-mail confirmation of your purchase.

  • q-iconWill I receive anything in the mail?

    No. Disciplemaking Blueprint is 100% digital. That’s right – you will not have to wait for this program to arrive in the mail. You will get INSTANT ACCESS. You can get access to the first Module of Disciplemaking Blueprint within minutes of your purchase.

  • q-iconHow long will it take to get access to the Disciplemaking Blueprint?

    Immediate. Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and from there you will be able to access the Member Dashboard and the first Module of the Disciplemaking Blueprint training program. After that, each module is delivered weekly.

  • q-iconCan I wait and buy later?

    No, access to this cohort and course is only available through Thursday, December 10th at Midnight PST. After that, the doors close and won’t open again until the next cohort. So, it is important to act now to get in on this class before the doors close.

  • q-iconWill you make any exceptions to the registration deadline?

    No. After Thursday, December 10th at Midnight PST, registration for this course closes. To be fair to our members, we cannot make any exceptions. Register now while enrollment is open!

  • q-iconCan I go through the Course with another person, my spouse or a group?

    The progress, account info, content and login info for the Disciplemaking Blueprint Course is personalized to you as a student, so the Course is only designed for individuals who have purchased the Course.

  • q-iconCan I get access to the course all at once or is it delivered weekly?

    Much like a college or seminary class, the content will be delivered each week for you to process through and apply the next steps for that particular week. Since this is a training program, we will all go through this together as a cohort. After 14 weeks, you will continue to have access to all of the content, as well as the bonus content and Coaching Webinars.

  • q-iconWill all the modules be available on demand for me to review until the class is over? What happens after the class is over?

    Yes, after you’ve completed the Course, all the modules will be available on demand, even after the class is completed. After the class is over you will have ongoing access to all of the material and resources. And if you have difficulty attending due to work or travel you can always circle back around to any of the modules after they are open. Feel free to go at your own pace.

  • q-iconAre the course modules available on-demand for the week they are delivered?

    The first 2 modules are immediately available after you register, and one additional module is opened each week. So, Module 1 and 2 are available upon registration, then Module 3 is available on Week 2, Module 4 is available on Week 3, etc. All open modules are available on demand. (There is no time limit to completing each Module.)

  • q-iconAre my credit/debit card details secure?

    Yes. All payments are processed through our encrypted payment processor and are 100% secure.

  • q-iconWhat if I have a question or need support?

    We’re here to help! Send us an email at [email protected] and we will be glad to assist you in any way we can!

  • q-iconAre scholarships available?

    Yes. We don’t want finances to be a barrier to becoming a better disciplemaker. Email [email protected] to find out more about scholarships.

  • q-iconCan I access the previous weeks' content or will the content close each week?

    Once the content is released to you each week, you will always have access to it. The content will not close as long as you are a paid registrant in good standing. There is no time limit to completing each Module.

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