
Pastoring Your Church To Be For The Nations – John Piper


“I am more concerned with biblical burden and motivation intensity, than I am with the particulars of awareness or knowledge of the lay of the land in the world with regard to how many groups are there, where do the live, how unreached are they. Those are factual pieces of information that will inevitably be from by going to JoshuaProject.net or whatever.

The deeper issue for a pastor in a church of 100 people or a small group leader is can I lead this people into such an experience of the majesty and greatness of the global God and His purposes to fill the earth with His glory like the waters cover the sea so they are seething with a sense of God’s greatness and His purpose for the world! Out of that kind of burden and passion comes a readiness to move and then people will find a way to make it happen.

So, I’m thinking in terms of take them to the Bible, show them a big God, show them historical, biographical models of the kind of people you hope they’ll be some day, and then as that’s happening direct them to the resources!”



Over the next few weeks Verge Network will be running a series of post on Reaching the Unreached. If you are interested in learning more about unreached people groups and out to get involved, please visitwww.100peoplenetwork.org