Todd is Executive Pastor of campuses and communities at The Austin Stone Community Church and Director of church planting for The Austin Stone Institute. Todd is a speaker, writer and consultant for the Verge Network.
Ever wondered how you can practically lead groups toward mission and develop a leadership pipeline that reproduces disciples and leaders? Check out this Cohort.
I always hear stories of men who had a passion for God’s mission, but ended up jaded and burnt out. That's why it's so important for young leaders to ask themselves these 5 questions while contemplating pastoral ministry or church planting.
As a practitioner of missional communities, I am often asked, "What is the difference between a missional community and _____ (small group, Bible study, etc.)?" Here are the differences.
We’re continuing a series of posts on Missional Communities at the Austin Stone. Last week, we answered the question “Why Missional Community?”, and this week we’ll define what a Missional Community is.
At the Austin Stone, we recently sent out a series of posts to our people on the topic of Missional Communities. In sharing these posts, our hope is that they will help you understand our church and the calling that God has given us.