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When you have multiple options in front of you, how do you determine which is the best choice? How do you not make a bad choice? Here are 4 steps to be wise in making decisions.
Obedience is essential to discipleship and mission. And no matter where you are, when you see the resurrection and what God is going to do for those who trust Him, it will make you want to obey more now.
Jesus modeled discipleship for us well and He showed us there is only one way to make disciples.
Your church is only as good as it's disciples. If that is true, then what is the most effective method for discipleship in the world right now and what can we learn from it? Find out.
Alan Hirsch discusses the critical importance of discipleship and disciple making.
Francis Chan exhorts us to take courage in making disciples.
"Before you can make disciples, you gotta make sure you are one." - Tom Nelson
Even the best plans for discipleship can be derailed by the waywardness of sin, apathy, or disobedience. William Branch gives 3 simple ways to stick with and continue to disciple someone who fails you.
Neil Cole identifies the 3 types of people who have the potential to become fruit-bearing, movement-making disciples.
If we're going to establish healthy patterns and practices for disciple making, we need to recapture the art of hospitality. Here's how.
As a parent, God has entrusted you with a tremendous privilege and responsibility to make disciples of your kids.
Odd Thomas performs a spoken word on Jesus plan for discipleship.
Too often, I make decisions about ministry, life and leadership based on what those around me doing. Ā My writing is...
In theĀ last blog of this series, we talked about the importance of a Worship Leader having community with others because...
Our postmodern world has issues with real weakness. We want to wage war on our faults, but only the ones that don't really threaten the places or people that are most precious to us.
The “1-Step Evangelism Plan of Jesus” š (via @Mike_Breen) #missional #discipleship ā Chris Chappotin (@dfwchris) January 2, 2014 [ads2]...
This is a simple tool for making disciples in everyday life.
Alan Hirsch shares what the content of discipleship is.
I want to ask how we might change our views of church planting and the ways that it often manifests itself. I also want to look at the systems and measurables that we currently use.
Seth McBee discusses simple ways to disciple your kids.