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I want to ask how we might change our views of church planting and the ways that it often manifests itself. I also want to look at the systems and measurables that we currently use.
Seth McBee discusses simple ways to disciple your kids.
Why don’t more Christians see making disciples as a key component of what it means to follow Christ? David Platt gives his answer.
Jeff Vanderstelt discusses our need for the Spirit in discipleship.
Jake of Soma shares five things God has been teaching him about evangelism.
David Platt discusses why people don't make disciples.
Alan Hirsch describes missional discipleship, and why it's even weird to have to say it that way.
For more great family and marriage resources, be sure and click here to get this FREE GUIDE: FREE Guide: Building...
Rodrick Gilbert, a disciple maker who began a discipleship movement in India that's started thousands of new churches, gives an incredible insight into the fruit of discipleship.
Leonce Crump shares why discipleship is important. [ads2]...
Dhati Lewis shares his 90 days of discipline to share his faith daily after being inspired by the early disciples.
Propaganda discusses why discipleship and disciple making is so important.
A spoken word by Jackie Hill on Gospel discipleship.
Dave Gibbons discusses why discipleship is so important.
Jo Saxton discusses why discipleship is so important.
by George Patterson You can multiply disciples doing these four simple things: Know and love the people you disciple. Mobilize your...
Alan Hirsch answers, "Why is discipleship important?"
John O. shares how homelessness is not stupid.