Seth McBee is the adopted son of God, husband of one wife, and father of three. He’s a graduate of Seattle Pacific University with a finance degree. By trade. Seth is an investment portfolio manager, serving as President of McBee Advisors, Inc. He is also a MC leader/trainer/coach and executive team member of the GCM Collective. Seth currently lives in Phoenix, AZ with his wife Stacy and their three children: Caleb, Coleman, and Madelynn. He is also the artist and co-author of the wildly popular (and free!) eBook, Be The Church: Discipleship & Mission Made Simple.
For most of us, when we go to a conference it’s because we are trying to make an investment in our lives and ministry. So, here are 5 ways to make the most of your conference experience.
Everyone wants to be part of a larger story, let’s use this opportunity as a door opener to the largest story ever told. How can we use the Super Bowl to simply point to the larger story of God?
These 5 things will help you and others understand what Thanksgiving looks like. Doing the things on this list will lead you away from a me understanding and into a we understanding.
People knew that Jesus was about celebrating, truth, and building relationships with people. With that in mind, how can we show THAT Jesus to our communities during Halloween? Here are 3 practical ways.
I want to ask how we might change our views of church planting and the ways that it often manifests itself. I also want to look at the systems and measurables that we currently use.
What is holding you back right now from stopping and asking the Spirit, “what’s next?” and waiting for his answer and his power to become evident to you?
For most of us a quick image describing what we desire to say is very powerful. Here's a collection of simple images for discipleship and mission called "Napkin Theology".
When one looks at “fully formed disciples” you’ll have to look back to the Scriptures and start asking some questions, or at least see how God has always formed his people and for what reason.