
These 3 Types Of Disciples Are Potential Fruit-Bearing Movement-Makers

Neil Cole identifies the 3 types of people who have the potential to become fruit-bearing, movement-making disciples. Can you name all three without watching the video?

Tweet this: [tweetable]”Bad people make good soil. There’s plenty of fertilizer in their life.” @Neil_Cole  [/tweetable]

Tweet this: [tweetable]”When God wants to start a movement He doesn’t start with the best people. He starts with the broken.” @Neil_Cole  [/tweetable]

Want to take a next step in your disciple making to be able to cultivate fruit-bearing, movement-making disciples? Check out this great resource by Neil Cole: Cultivating A Life For God: Multiplying Disciples Through Life Transformation Groups

Cultivating a Life for God calls upon us to rethink our busy, fast-paced lives. If there is a stirring in your soul for “something more” in your spiritual journey, take a risk on what God might do in and through your life. Discover the compassion that comes from heaven and can be experienced in a Life Transformation Group (LTG). You may never be the same again!

“The Life Transformation Group system is a grass roots tool for growth. Through this simple system the most essential elements of vital spiritual ministry are released to common Christians without the need for specialized training. It taps the disciple’s internal motivation and provides the support needed to grow in the essentials of a spiritual life. The LTG empowers the common Christian to do the uncommon work of reproductive discipling.” (page 63)

“In my years of ministry, I have not found any method that produces such powerful results in fulfilling the Great Commission. I personally plan on using this system for the rest of my life to make as many disciples of the kingdom as I can before Christ calls me home!” – Neil Cole