Here are a few of our favorite books that we at Verge can recommend, and would love for you to pick up one (or all of them!) and be inspired, challenged, and deepened in your walk with Jesus.
If you’re living on mission you will invariably need to counsel others or be counseled yourself. Shanda Anderson helps us take a deeper look at what that looks like in real life.
Our cities are the gathering place of culture, human capital, and change. If we want to see every nook, cranny, and neighborhood filled with life and restoration, we need to fill our cities with missional communities. Here's why.
They may look like they're on the fringe, people you may overlook or count as out. But the reality is that these people are the future leaders of movements... movements of forgiveness and acceptance.
For most of us a quick image describing what we desire to say is very powerful. Here's a collection of simple images for discipleship and mission called "Napkin Theology".
With her missional community, Jordan uses her two days off each week to live on mission and serve the Capital Area Food Bank, because she knows that time is the Lord’s, not her own.
Every culture, every neighborhood, every pocket of people has its own celebrations - your job as a Christian is to engage in the celebration with those people.
"How can we have rooms of people who claim to have the Holy Spirit of God Almighty inside their bodies. God Almighty inside of you? And your life looks just like everyone else? No wonder they're shutting down the churches." Francis Chan