
The Future Church – John Perkins

John Perkins answers the question, “What is the future of the church in America today?”

He says, “I think we are at the most pivotal time in the history of this country. I believe this might be the generation. Might not make our constitution that ‘we hold these truths that all people are created equally.‘  That we might not make it quite one nation under God with liberty and justice for all. I believe this might be the group that might witness to that, might show a little light that this is possible. That it’s possible. That it’s worth working for! It’s worth us throwing our lives into it…I think this might be the generation…I hope it is! I’m giving my life to it. I’m giving every ounce of my energy to it. And I’m feeling that young folks like this generation wants to do that…Not that they are so good, but that God is making them good!”

Over the next few weeks Verge Network will be running a series of posts on The Future Church.

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