
Question 5 | RECAP

We asked some of the leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities.

Question #5: How do you Train Missional Community Leaders?

1. JR Woodward

Developing and training leaders for missional communities begins with cultivating a discipleship ethos. We need to look at discipleship holistically, beginning with those who have yet to self-identify as Christians…

2. Jason Dukes

Start with a commitment to consistently live the ways of Jesus together while you converse around four bottom-line questions for the purpose of drawing some transformational conclusions…

3. Dave Ferguson

This is a huge and really, really important question right now. First, I think we have to understand that part of being missional is thinking movemental. If we miss that, we’ll be on mission but we won’t accomplish the mission…

4. Matt Carter

We’ve changed how we’re training and discipling our leaders. We’ve taught them, and we’re teaching them, to be self-feeders versus consumers only. We’re teaching them how to be self-feeders versus consumers because today in most churches…

5. Reggie McNeal

The single biggest theme in training is apprenticing so that people do it, and then they learn from it. In some cases, they’re actually assigned coaches who are very serious and almost formalized in their debriefing processes. Every missional community…

6. Hugh Halter

The first line of training is to actually model the behavior. So, within our church here and, what we help other churches do is to identify some existing leaders you have in your church that tend to be on the more incarnational end. They’re probably really good…

7. Lance Ford

In training leaders of missional communities our approach is to go easy on the leader-speak while concentrating on the follower-posture of being a good news or, gospel person. We want to help potential leaders carve their doing out of their being…

8. Rob Wegner

The way we’ve come at this was, first, through missional communities in India. We’ve been a part of an indigenous church-planting movement there for about 10 years, and it’s not the typical approach….