Disciples or consumers? With one you can build movements. With the other you can build nothing. Alan Hirsch explains the difference in this short video clip.
Is there a more fruitful way to disciple than simply giving all we can to as many as possible? Find out in the Part 4 of this series on disciple-making.
Is there a more fruitful way to disciple than simply giving all we can to as many as possible? Find out in the Part 2 of this series on disciple-making.
We spent several months with leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities. Join the conversation!
-7 Questions Series-
Question 7: What are some stories of struggle and success that are common to Missional Communities?
First, I think we have to fight as much as we can against what we would view as success because at the end of the day...