Training for church planting has mainly focused on the lead pastor, and rightly so. He’s going to carry the weight of the leadership. However, every pastor leading a new ministry would love to have a well-trained and skilled worship leader ministering alongside them.
I want to ask how we might change our views of church planting and the ways that it often manifests itself. I also want to look at the systems and measurables that we currently use.
What does it reveal about our missiology and biblical convictions whenever we think it is strange to advocate that those first century church planting teams have something to teach us?
Rodrick Gilbert, a disciple maker who began a discipleship movement in India that's started thousands of new churches, gives an incredible insight into the fruit of discipleship.
Our Lord sends us to disciple every “nation” (people group) by training them to obey all His commands (Matt 28:18-20). This means that we disciple a “nation” only when it is permeated by obedient disciples who also disciple other unevangelized peoples. Here are 4 practical ways how.
David Platt and Matt Carter discuss what it means to be a church with a DNA for the nations. Learn how your church can be more involved in spreading the gospel.
What Jesus did with His 3 years of ministry was invest in a few, entrusting the message to 12 men. There was no Plan B to his master plan for world evangelization. There was only 1 plan: Disciplemaking.
"You can't be what you don't see. We get discipleship, but how many of us have seen it last more than one generation? Will we let people imitate our lives? Do I have a life worth imitating?"
The very reason many people are not stepping out in mission is because they're not willing to die for the One who died for them. If you get over that, nothing will stop you.
"The biggest mistake I made was I told people to go be Jesus to people. None of you can be Jesus to people - only Jesus can be Jesus to people." - Jeff Vanderstelt