
Jesus Is Worthy

“You see Jesus saying to four fishermen, ‘Follow me.’ We need to feel the weight and the wonder of the One who’s speaking here—this is Jesus. The Savior and Messiah.

The One promised to come in the kingly line of David and Abraham Father of God’s people in Israel. Fully human and fully divine. The One who wise men of the nations bow. The One who’s birth ushers in the consummation of generations and generations of prophecy and expectation.

He is the Savior King, the Righteous Judge of the World perfectly filled with God the Spirit, completely loved by God the Father. The only man who’s conquered sin. The True Son that Israel could never be. The Light of the World and the Hope for all Nations.

Do we realize who this is? For when we do we come to one conclusion.

[tweetable]”This Jesus is clearly absolutely worthy of more than nominal adherence and church association.” – David Platt[/tweetable]

Church leaders, we must not reduce this Jesus to a poor, puny savior who is just begging for people to accept him into their hearts as if Jesus needed to be accepted by us. He doesn’t need your acceptance. He doesn’t need my acceptance. He doesn’t need any of our acceptance.

He’s infinitely worthy of all glory in all the universe and He doesn’t need us at all. We need Him! We desperately need Him.

[tweetable]”Jesus is worthy of total abandonment and supreme adoration.”[/tweetable]