Jeff Vanderstelt discusses making disciples.
He says, “We stop preaching the good news and we start teaching them how to work for God. We teach them about Jesus and His sufficiency and His life and His death and resurrection and His sending of His Spirit into their lives to make them a new person. And then once they believe it and receive it, then we say now done with that. Let’s move on to the real stuff which is you need to get your butt in gear and get to work.
And what we ought to do is, we ought to say we have to preach the Gospel to make disciples. So discipleship starts way before conversion. We’re proclaiming Jesus to make disciples and we’re living amongst them as people submitting to Christ’s rule and reign so they see what a disciple looks like. And then when they come to fail in Jesus we don’t stop preaching the Gospel, because the only way you build people up in Christ is through Christ…
If you think you’re going to make disciples of Jesus Christ with something other than Jesus Christ you’re making disciples of somebody else. You need to keep proclaiming the gospel into all of life helping people understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer to absolutely every question and problem of their life.”