Is there a more fruitful way to disciple than simply giving all we can to as many as possible? Find out in the Part 4 of this series on disciple-making.
"I'd rather be in a pit guarded by the Taliban, with Jesus, than sitting in my comfortable house building up my retirement, without Him." Francis Chan, in this powerful video clip.
Is there a more fruitful way to disciple than simply giving all we can to as many as possible? Find out in the Part 3 of this series on disciple-making.
Is there a more fruitful way to disciple than simply giving all we can to as many as possible? Find out in the Part 2 of this series on disciple-making.
Want to know how NOT to make disciples? In this humorous and insightful 2 minute video clip from the Verge Conference, Francis Chan begins to answer the question, "How can we make true disciples of Jesus?"
Want to know how to have real community? In this 2 minute video clip from the Verge Conference, Francis Chan begins to answer the question that so many of us are asking - how can we have real community? The answer that Francis gives might surprise you.
We spent several months with leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities. Join the conversation!
Over the coming weeks, we will be asking some of the leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities. In this installment, Neil Cole tackles the question, "What is a missional community?"
What do you think about Neil's definition? Does it leave you with any additional questions? Join the conversation...
In these 7 videos, Alan Hirsch explains and articulates the DNA of Gospel Movements, the dynamics that lead to the rapid, indigenous multiplication of the gospel.