Ultimately time will tell, but just as when you mature, you face your limits and you adapt for future success so the missional movement has hit a wall and is reassessing the way forward. Find out more.
How can moms faithfully engage on mission in the midst of the time consuming responsibilities of parenting? In this short video, discover the 5 tips for becoming a more missional mom.
The conditions facing us in the twenty-first century not only pose a threat to our existence; they also present us with an extraordinary opportunity to reorient ourselves with an ancient energy lying dormant at the heart of the church.
All good missionaries know the power of social engagement. Party is sacrament and we must relearn and re-orient our lives around friends, food, and celebration if we are going to have any influence upon the culture right next door. Find out how.
The Great Commission is impossible if it were not for the promise that Jesus is with us forever. The doctrine of the supreme authority of Christ not only upholds the work of the church, it is the central message that the church preaches. “Jesus is Lord” is good news!
Stew, Founding Director of Verge Network, interviews Soong-Chan Rah about racial justice in America today, and how we can take the first step to moving forward.