If we don’t get what the Bible says about systemic and corporate evil and racism, we won’t only misunderstand the Bible, but we won’t understand our non-white brothers and sisters’ pain.
Ever wondered how you can practically lead groups toward mission and develop a leadership pipeline that reproduces disciples and leaders? Check out this Cohort.
Whether it's the change in weather or the natural change in pace, there's no better time to pick up a new book and have your imagination stretched, your faith deepened, and your heart rekindled. Here are a few I personally recommend.
If we don’t learn to put technology, in all its forms, in its proper place, we will miss out on many of the best parts of life. Here are 6 guidelines to know when technology is helping rather than hurting.
Experts teach us principles for practical theology, but experience can teach us far more. Here are 3 steps for adapting the experts' advice for your context.
Ultimately time will tell, but just as when you mature, you face your limits and you adapt for future success so the missional movement has hit a wall and is reassessing the way forward. Find out more.