We’ve replaced the habits that surprise the world with habits that mimic the world―and both we and the world suffer for it. Find out the habits of highly missional people.
The conditions facing us in the twenty-first century not only pose a threat to our existence; they also present us with an extraordinary opportunity to reorient ourselves with an ancient energy lying dormant at the heart of the church.
The Great Commission is impossible if it were not for the promise that Jesus is with us forever. The doctrine of the supreme authority of Christ not only upholds the work of the church, it is the central message that the church preaches. “Jesus is Lord” is good news!
Stew, Founding Director of Verge Network, interviews Soong-Chan Rah about racial justice in America today, and how we can take the first step to moving forward.
Pastor John Onwuchekwa recorded an impassioned message for The Austin Stone Community Church about prayer, unity and the need for racial reconciliation.
Dr. John Perkins, Helen Lee, Jorge Mendoza, Michael "Stew" Stewart and William 'Duce' Branch discuss the state of racial justice in our country and the need for racial intelligence.