We spent time with leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities.
Question 1: What is a missional community?
Contributors: Neil Cole, Hugh Halter, Mike Breen, Alan Hirsch, Felicity Dale, JR Woodward, & Jeff Vanderstelt
Question 2: How is missional community different from bible study?
Contributors: Jeff Vanderstelt, Caesar Kalinowski, Hugh Halter, JR Woodward, & Matt Carter
Question 3: How do you transition your church to be more missional?
Contributors: Dave Ferguson & Hugh Halter
Question 4: How do you transition your small group to missional community?
Contributors: Matt Smay, Dave Ferguson, & Hugh Halter
Question 5: How do you train missional community leaders?
Contributors: JR Woodward, Jason Dukes, Dave Ferguson, Matt Carter, Reggie McNeal, Hugh Halter,
Lance Ford, & Rob Wegner
Question 6: What do missional communities do?
Contributors: Rob Wegner, Hugh Halter, & Matt Carter
Question 7: Which churches are doing this? What are some of the success? Struggles?
Contributors: Rob Wegner, Hugh Halter, & Jo Saxton