
6 Ways To Live Your Life On Mission – Jeff Vanderstelt

In order to shape a Gospel Centered people we must equip people to live ordinary life with Gospel Intentionality. In this video entitled “Rhythms: Equipping Ordinary People for Everyday Gospel Intentionality”, Jeff Vanderstelt identifies the 6 normal rhythms of life and work through how to equip normal people to live extraordinary lives on mission in these 6 rhythms.

A Wholistic Approach to Ministry

“Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your souls. Live such good lives among he pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

1 Peter 2:11-12

In order to lead our people to see all of life as ministry and mission we must equip them to live out the gospel in everyday activities – rhythms. We have found some transferable patterns or rhythms of life that should be lived out in light of the Gospel and our gospel identity.

Everyday Rhythms:


We understand, experience and intersect with God’s Story and other’s story. God has been unfolding his Story since before time began. We believe we are participants in the Story and need to understand it and see how our lives intersect with it. Therefore, we regularly reacquaint ourselves with the Story by interacting with God’s Word. We look for ways and times to tell the Story often. We also take time to listen to others stories and help them find their lives within God’s Story. (Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1; Psalm 1; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)


We set aside regular times to listen to God both backward and forward Jesus listened to God in prayer to know his Father’s will. We are also called to listen to God. We listen “backward” by regularly interacting with God’s Word: the Story and the Son. We also believe he speaks today through his Spirit in us and through creation. We spend time actively listening “forward” to hear what God is saying to us today. (Mark 1:35-37; John 16:7-15; Hebrews 1:1-3; Romans 1:20)


We gather together to celebrate God’s extravagant blessings. God calls people to regularly celebrate his goodness and grace. We gather weekly in missional communities and regularly as a larger family, to share stories and celebrate all that God is doing in and amongst us. We invite everyone to these celebrations as a way of displaying God’s glory. (Leviticus 23; Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25)


We intentionally bless others through words, gifts or actions God desires that all nations, all people, would be blessed through Jesus. And now, as his Body, we believe we live out this mission as we bless others. We intentionally seek God’s direction for who he would have us tangibly bless each week. (Genesis 12:1-3; Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:8-10; 1 Peter 2:12)


We regularly eat meals with others to invite them into the community of God. Meals are a daily reminder of our common need for God and his faithfulness to provide both physically and spiritually. Jesus called us to remember him and his sacrifice for us through a meal. When we eat together, we commune around this truth. We regularly eat meals with those not in our immediate family or circle of close friends, discipling them toward a life of dependence on God. (Leviticus 23; Matthew 6:11; 26:17-30; Acts 2:46-47; Romans 12:13)


We take time to rest, play, create and restore beauty in ways that reflect God to others. After powerfully and joyfully creating the universe, God rested. We were created in his image and therefore were made to joyfully create and rest as well. We regularly take time to rest, play, create and restore beauty in ways that reflect what God is like to our community. (Genesis 1-2:3; Deuteronomy 5:12; Mark 2:23-28; Hebrews)