Much of what we do is not meant to add things to the schedule, but bring intentionality to the things we are already doing.
As a part of the Soma family, we often speak of living out our gospel identity in everyday rhythms of life (know the story, listen, bless, celebrate & suffer, eat, rest & work). In fact, much of what we do is not meant to add things to the schedule, but bring intentionality to the things we are already doing.
The following lists are a few practical examples of simple things you can begin doing to bring gospel intentionality to your schedule. Hopefully as you are reading through these examples it will spark ideas for your own life.
1. Monthly dinners
Start a monthly dinner night at your house that has an open invitation for anyone that wants to to join and bring people.
2. Help others grow
Find people in your church community who love cooking and get them to help others grow in their appreciation for fine food.
3. Set goals
Set a goal to have more meals with neighbors/coworkers than you are currently having. Talk it out with your MC and get advice one what is a good starting point.
4. Make a schedule
Make a schedule each month with the nights you want to host people for meals. Prayerfully consider who you will share a table with (neighbors/co-workers/MC family).
5. Start a supper club
Start a supper club with people in your neighborhood or network of relationships. Have each person in the club signup to host a night. Have the host share the recipe with the rest of the group when they come over. Spend time during the meal sharing things you are thankful for building in a rhythm of intentionality into your meals together.
Consider the following Biblical texts:
MATTHEW 6:11, 26:17-30,
ACTS 2:46-47
ROMANS 12:13