*This is an excerpt from Jesse Reeve’s main session talk at The Austin Stone Worship Conference. Click here to download audio and video from the conference.
Video Transcript:
Let’s just start reading at verse 13.
Jesse’s three oldest sons had followed Saul to war.
The first one was Eliab, we met him earlier. The second was Abinadab, met him. The third was Shimal. We met him. David was the youngest. The three oldest followed Saul, but David went back and forth from Saul to what? Tend his father’s sheep.
I have a problem with this, because now not only is he anointed, but now he has a platform.
Now he’s playing music in the palace.
He anointed, he’s got a platform, and what does he do? Go back to the sheep. What would we do? If we have a guy that’s anointed and now he’s got a platform?
Green room.
Can I say that here? That’s what we do. I’m guilty. The more anointed we get, if that’s even a thing, and the more your platform gets, the more we separate ourselves from the sheep.
Sit back here on couches and drink coffee and talk about how awesome we are. I’m not saying anything’s wrong with the green room. You’ve got to get back there. You’ve got to pray. You gotta be ready. But you shouldn’t live in the green room. You should be accessible to the sheep.
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