How to Get Congress to Take Action on Slavery Holly Burkhalter 1 min readWe need to check our cynicism about Congress at the door and engage with lawmakers if we hope to make a difference for the 30 million slaves in the world.
6 Things the Church Must Do to Engage with Modern Slavery Travis Wussow 5 min readMatthew Hansen of Allies Against Slavery covers 6 principles he believes are necessary for the church's engagement in this issue.
5 Ways to Keep the Anti-Slavery Movement from Becoming Obsolete Travis Wussow 4 min readIn this 3-part blog series, Matthew Hansen and John Nehme of Allies Against Slavery highlight individual and community-based responses to...
Ending Modern Slavery: Changing Ourselves First Travis Wussow 2 min readBefore we can start fighting modern slavery, we must each acknowledge our complicity in the problem.