Need ideas for building apostolic networks and pioneer missionary startups? Find out about the most common forms of collaboration and how they might benefit Great Commission ministries.
Among humanity, is no pre-disposition towards saving grace, only pre-indisposition. If we are "dead in our trespasses and sins", then nobody is "farther" or "closer" away from Christ. We are all, rather, equally dead. The ground is level both at the foot of the cross and the plain of the cemetery. Nobody is more saved than others by Christ and nobody is more separated than others from Christ. So Saul the persecutor of Christians and Cornelius the "God-fearer" were equally dead in their trespasses and sins and equally in need of divine alien righteousness. And this makes all the difference for how we make disciples among the nations.
Matthew 10:5-42 are the "marching orders" of the apostles. And they are very helpful for those of us church planting in dangerous places among the unreached.
Many people teach on it, most of us don’t regularly obey it. Here are 5 common myths about the Great Commission that lead us to miss out on disciple making.
A story from Daniel and Jessie—goers sent by the Austin Stone as part of the 100 People Network, serving among the unreached people group the deaf of Honduras.
There is no peace more penetrating, stabilizing and joy-giving than that of knowing and following God’s will. And that peace is not dependent on any border.
You need to care about the insights of other Christians in your life. God often speaks in the context of community, not just exclusively to an individual.
As the Father sent Jesus, so Jesus has sent us. That means that if we can discover how the Father sent Jesus, then we will see how we have now been sent.