[This blog series explains how to discern God’s will. Continue on to the full blog series HERE.]
Tweet this: [tweetable]God is absolutely in control of all circumstances. @VergeNations[/tweetable]
God is absolutely in control of all circumstances. Therefore, circumstances often provide clear windows into the work of God in our lives. In Christian lingo, we often talk about God “opening a door” or “closing a door” for us. What we really mean when we use these terms is that the opportunity has come or gone to do something. If I say, “God has opened the door for me to get a job working at this new company,” what I most likely mean is that I got hired at the company. If I say that “God has closed the door for me to move to this other city,” I most likely mean that there are extenuating circumstances that will keep me from moving.
Tweet this: [tweetable]God Himself determines our address and our birthday. (Acts 17:26-27) @VergeNations[/tweetable]
The Bible is crystal clear that God determines the circumstances of our lives. For instance, God Himself determines our address and our birthday:
And he [God] made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:26-27 ESV)
In 1881, A.T. Pierson wrote a landmark book, The Crisis of Mission. In this book, he duly said, “Facts are the fingers of God.” Pierson is right—the facts of our lives, or the circumstances upon us, help express the actual work of God in our life.
Tweet this: [tweetable]”Facts are the fingers of God.” #ATPierson @VergeNations[/tweetable]
When I decided to go to graduate school, I applied for 11 programs in 9 schools all over the country. I worked a lot to finish those applications. Finally, the letters of acceptance and rejection started coming in to my mailbox. How was I supposed to know in which school God was leading me to enroll? I prayed a lot and discussed my options with Christians in my life. There were 2 schools which I really wanted to go to. Both accepted me. Which school did God want me to accept? Ultimately, though, God’s desire for me became clear to me because I did not have the money to go to one of them! I rested in God’s will as it was expressed through the circumstances (i.e., my financial situation).
Ask yourself:
Are there any circumstances that lead me to make one decision or another?
Are there opportunities (“open doors”) that I need to consider?
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