All the reasons why I locked my door for Halloween are the reasons why I’m now opening it. You see, Halloween is not my favorite celebration, but it is a missional opportunity. Here's why.
When Paul is urging the church to imitate him, he's saying yes there is lots of great information you can get out there, but you need a father. You need to stand at my shoulder, because you can't be what you can't see.
"You can't be what you don't see. We get discipleship, but how many of us have seen it last more than one generation? Will we let people imitate our lives? Do I have a life worth imitating?"
Check out this clip of Jo Saxton at Exponential 2011: On the Verge, as she fields the question: "What do you do with children in your missional community?"
She offers great insight into the mindset, flexibility, and creativity required by parents to bring their children into God's mission. In fact, kids may be the best evangelists in your group!
Stew from Verge Network interviews Jo Saxton about how the gospel calls us to risk and adventure, as opposed to comfort and ease. She answers why the gospel is dangerous and what an adventurous faith has looked like in her life.
-7 Questions Series-
Question 7: What are some stories of hope and struggle you've encountered with Missional Communities?
Stew interviews Jo Saxton about stories of hope and struggles that are common to Missional Communities.