The very reason many people are not stepping out in mission is because they're not willing to die for the One who died for them. If you get over that, nothing will stop you.
"The biggest mistake I made was I told people to go be Jesus to people. None of you can be Jesus to people - only Jesus can be Jesus to people." - Jeff Vanderstelt
Here's how I know you're not really on mission... You're not walking in the rhythms of the life of the people who are there. If you only see them once in a while you're not on mission with them.
Every culture, every neighborhood, every pocket of people has its own celebrations - your job as a Christian is to engage in the celebration with those people.
What advice would Francis Chan give to you as a leader? In this 2 minute video from a talk at the Verge Conference, find out what Francis challenges us as leaders to be and to do.
Dr. Eric Mason walks through Titus, chapter 3, helping us to see the gospel as the means by which cities and communities are changed. Leadership, discipleship, and mission are crucial elements to a healthy church seeking to redeem their city.
"I wonder if the reason why Jesus keeps this risk element in play is that it forces us to be reliant upon Him to intervene."
Alex weighs in on the topic of Risk & Adventure in the life of the Christian. See what it has looked like for Alex to trust God in varying, risky situations.
Stew from Verge Network interviews Jo Saxton about how the gospel calls us to risk and adventure, as opposed to comfort and ease. She answers why the gospel is dangerous and what an adventurous faith has looked like in her life.
Jeff Vanderstelt, pastor and leader of SOMA Communities in Tacoma, WA, begins his talk with this phrase, "If you don't know the context in which you are doing ministry, then you are going to be pretty ineffective for ministry." He goes on to unpack the essence of leadership as knowledge, belief, and skill, and explains the biblical principle of making our leadership transferrable.
In this session, Dr. Tim Keller talks about the importance of cities throughout history and the biblical call to reach our cities. Unlike any other place, the urban core is a broad collection of culture, innovation, and need.
Here, Keller, gives a biblical theology of the city, how fast they change, and how urban churches should look. This talk encourages us with a redeemed perspective of the "why", "what", and "how" to reach our cities.
In this training session Jeff unpacks the Gospel and what it looks like to be fluent in the Gospel. In other words, the Gospel has to become second nature if we are to engage in the mission of God effectively.
We spent several months with leading thinkers and practitioners to answer 7 of the most frequently asked questions about missional communities. Join the conversation!