
Podcast #10: Sexual Brokenness and the Church

[This is a part of the Verge Women Podcast. You can subscribe here.]

Sexual sin and sexual identity are huge issues in the church today, and sometimes, women are left out of the conversation.  Listen as Jamie Ivey and Fabs Harford interview Ellen Dykas about her experiences ministering to women who have been impacted by sexual brokeness.


0:00 Meet Ellen and hear about her amazing ministry.

2:05 What are the biggest obstacles for Christian women when it comes to embracing God’s good design for sexuality?

  • The silence of the church
  • The shame of sexual sin and abuse

3:50  What are some practical things we can do to help create a culture of sexual healing in our churches?

  • Prayer
  • Explore ways you can help women feel safe to ask for help.

6:05  What would you say to a woman who is looking for help?

  • Be encouraged by that sense of awareness.

TWEET THIS: [tweetable]”Stop and pause and bring your heart to the Lord.” @ellendykas #vergewomen[/tweetable]

  • Find a trustworthy person to talk to.  What are the marks of a safe person?
  • This is a more common struggle than you realize.

9:15   Sexual brokenness affects women as well as men.

  • Women often feel alone in this struggle.
  • An exhortation to church leaders.

TWEET THIS: [tweetable]Check out this podcast with Ellen Dykas from @HarvestUSA #vergewomen[/tweetable]