
[podcast #04] Leadership and Family

[This is a part of the Verge Women Podcast. You can subscribe here.]

What does it look like to steward our leadership roles in our families, communities, workplaces and in the church? Do you tend to lead with an iron fist or hide in the corner? Jamie Ivey and Fabs Harford talk about what it looks like to lead the church as a family rather than treating it as an orphanage.

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[tweetable]How can you help your church be like a family not an orphanage? @jamie_ivey @fabsharford #vergewomen[/tweetable]

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[tweetable]Leadership is like nuclear energy. You can use it to either warm an entire city, or bomb it. @jamie_ivey @fabsharford #vergewomen[/tweetable]

Here are some questions you can process with God and with those around you:

1. Do you feel like the care of the church is up to those in “leadership”? Do you feel like a leader in the church? Why or why not? What qualifies you as a leader?

2. How do you treat the nuclear bomb of leadership? Do you run away because you are afraid or feel disqualified? Or do you take it and rule with an iron fist. How can you better handle your leadership role with care?

3. Do you feel like an orphan in your church community or do you feel like a family member? Can you think of any ‘orphans’ in your church community? How can you ‘adopt’ them into your family?


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