We’ve all felt it. That lingering mixed feeling of anxiety and guilt. It comes from sitting next to someone at work for a year without telling them about Jesus. It comes from wanting to invite our neighbors to Missional Community or Sunday morning, but never actually doing it. Why is it that sharing the gospel and inviting others into community are usually accompanied with so much uneasiness? It is vital that we continue to wrestle with these tensions.
As we work through how to go about faithfully sharing the gospel, here are some helpful tips for evangelism:
1. Pray
FOR REAL. Spend time praying that the Holy Spirit would lead us on mission. Jesus instructs his disciples to wait for the sending of the Spirit (Acts 1:4-5) before they go out on mission. The same is true for us today. The reality is that no fruit will come from our missional efforts if they aren’t saturated with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
2. See your Missional Community as a team
Work together with your MC on ways to share the gospel. It may be easier and less intimidating for someone else to share the gospel with the co-worker you invited over. Furthermore, we believe that God uses his church to reflect the gospel. This can be done as communities work together to intentionally display and declare the good news.
3. Listen
Mission should be done with the posture of humility and compassion. A tangible way of doing this is actively listening to what people are saying. Knowing a person’s story will allow for a more faithful contextualization of the gospel.
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4. Tell the True Story
So what should we tell people about God? How should we do it? A good place to start is with the presenting of the overarching story of the Bible. By doing this we’ll be able to proclaim that Jesus is King, that he is working to right every wrong, and that he is restoring every broken part of this earth! Now that is good news! To me, this is much better news than the individualized gospel of Jesus hiding in our hearts.
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The reality, is that most of the anxieties that come from evangelism stem from Christians not believing the gospel themselves. Or even worse, they don’t believe that the gospel is good news. When sharing the gospel, tell of the powerful, all knowing God who is on a rescue mission to redeem His Creation!
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5. Preach the gospel to yourself daily
We constantly need to be reminded of, and be transformed by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus. As we are sent into the world with the message of life, we must deeply know, delight, contemplate, and give thanks for the gospel. Remember, it is “out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).
6. Faithfully expect God to work
Do we believe that God is doing something through us? Do we believe that we are his agents here on earth? Do we believe that He is going to use us to transform lives?
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Let’s be a people who anticipates the powerful work of the Holy Spirit! Let’s be a people who believe that God can redeem our family, friends, and neighbors!