
5 Practical Ideas to Listen to Others

3. Pray

Pray before conversations or meetings, asking the Spirit to give you discernment for the upcoming conversation.

4. Ask for feedback

Ask your spouse and people close to you how you could be a better listener. Take their feedback and apply it.

5. Read and reflect

Read through Romans and Galatians. Ask the Spirit to help you learn how to listen better and to recognize the leading of the Spirit and the leading of the flesh. Be aware of the what the flesh is like (demanding, impatient, anxious, angry, frustrated, lusting) so that you can run quickly to the Spirit for help.

Consider the following biblical texts:

MARK 1:35-37

JOHN 16:7-15




Question: Do you have any other practical ideas to know the story? Tweet us at @VergeNetwork or comment below.

This blog post was adapted from a post written on the Soma Blog. Visit the Soma Blog for more resources and view the original post here.

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