Training for church planting has mainly focused on the lead pastor, and rightly so. He’s going to carry the weight of the leadership. However, every pastor leading a new ministry would love to have a well-trained and skilled worship leader ministering alongside them.
We have a lot of enthusiasts as it relates to holiness, we have a lot of enthusiasts as it relates to stewardship, we have a lot of enthusiasts as it relates to Bible knowledge and theology, but what I’ve found is that we have very few experts, very few practitioners. John O. shares why we need experts.
If the Gospel doesn't motivate your people, then you can shout and scream and dance and try to motivate them and you'll never see a movement. Find out why.
It doesn't matter what level of leadership you are in, too often we use those around for ministry rather than invest in those around us for ministry. Are your people used for ministry or invested for ministry?