Because Jesus came, kids can help shape the culture rather than being shaped by it. They can radiate with a new identity, one that’s not based in earning or deserving.
The command to love your neighbors can be easier to obey with your kids than without. Here are a few ways that children can help us know and love our neighbors.
The coming wave of homework, deadlines, and meetings is daunting. And when that wave crashes, it can quickly wash away my good intentions to be more disciplined in the things that matter.
Walking our children through the Old Testament and showing how it all points to Jesus helps them understand why the birth of a baby boy in Bethlehem is such a big deal.
While a child's desire to get baptized is always an occasion to rejoice, it's important for parents to discern when is the right time to celebrate this important step in every Christian's life.
However you decide to lead your family this Halloween, chances are your kids will be jealous of what some of their friends get to do that they can't participate in. How can you respond with truth and love?
To trick-or-treat or not to trick-or-treat—that is the question. Parents everywhere are weighing the pros and cons of taking part in the impending Halloween holiday. Here's some much-needed perspective.
So often we forget this simple truth: God is a working God who created us to work. And the “us” means all of us, our grade school, middle school, and high school kids included.
As parents, you can use your children’s natural tendency to pick up on differences to foster a heart of gratitude and develop a habit of intercession for others.
None of the typical motivations against procrastination - good grades, money, better friendships - can compare to giving your kids’ tasks eternal significance.
"What about Bible studies?" is one of the questions I hear most often when talking with others about how kids can be included in the life of a Missional Community.
Have you ever felt like you tell your children the same truths over and over, with no change? So have I. But I'll tell my daughter the gospel a million times if that's what it takes.
When moms understand the three words "calling," "seasons," and "balance," they have a much clearer picture of what their life and priorities are to look like.