-7 Questions Series-
Question 5: How do you train missional community leaders?
The way we've come at this was, first, through missional communities in India. We've been a part of an indigenous church-planting movement there for about 10 years, and it's not the typical approach...
Stew sits down with Dave Ferguson to discuss the challenges of transitioning his church to be more missional. Dave explores everything from story telling and hero making to identity and scorecards.
Matt Carter answers the question: What's the Difference between a Missional Community and a Bible Study? This is the second question of our 7 Questions Series leading up to the Exponential Conference. Hear what Matt has to say about challenging our people and releasing them to go on mission.
Listen in as Stew interviews Hugh Halter on Question 2 of the 7 Questions Series: How is a Missional Community different from a traditional Bible Study? Hugh will also be joining us for future questions in the series, so stay tuned!