
[interview with Sarah Martin] Making Jesus Famous

[This article is based on an interview with Sarah Martin. Go here to more about her ministry and her desire to see women rise up to make Jesus famous in every part of life.]

1. You have expressed a specific desire to call women out of complacency and rise up to make Jesus famous in every part of life. What experiences drove you to this specific burden? What do you think are the causes of this complacency battle?

I can’t put my finger on one specific experience that highlighted this burden for me. But, that’s the problem with complacency sometimes: that it is often underlying and it doesn’t draw much attention until we are in a place of feeling like we aren’t making much of our life.

Tweet this: [tweetable]That’s the problem with complacency sometimes: it is often underlying and doesn’t draw much attention. @sarahfmartin #vergewomen[/tweetable]

I’ve spent the better part of 6 years doing life and ministry with women and I’ve had numerous conversations with women in various stages of life from 20-somethings right out of college, to women who have recently retired and now don’t know what to do with their life. I’ve seen this “itch” if you will, to make their life count for something but they just don’t know how. So, sometimes the easiest thing to do is nothing at all.

Psalm 145:7 caught my attention: They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.

I envisioned our generation stepping up–rising up– to fulfill what we were created to do- to “pour forth the fame” and make Jesus famous.

Tweet this:[tweetable] I envisioned our generation rising up– to fulfill what we were created to do- to make Jesus famous. @sarahfmartin #vergewomen[/tweetable]

2. What have you found to be the most effective way of challenging women to rise up into a more transformative role in the kingdom of God? Do you have any specific tools or strategies that you can share with us?

Psalm 145  has been an effective guideline. By living a life of praise, we redirect our focus and find fulfillment. With a humble heart we serve and love others like Jesus did and as the Bible commands us to do. With a Kingdom perspective, we look toward His bigger picture and then influence others to do the same.

Tweet this: [tweetable]By living a life of praise, we redirect our focus and find fulfillment. @sarahfmartin #vergewomen[/tweetable]

3. What are you begging God to do through your ministry? How have you seen him be faithful to those prayers? What are some things that you are continuing to ask him for?

I’m clinging to Psalm 37 and focusing on delighting in Him and His presence and then aligning my desires with His heart. I’m begging God to make it clear how I need to move forward. I’m also boldly praying my heart will nestle up to His and then I pray for opportunities to do ministry out of that. God has been so faithful. I’ve seen closed doors of opportunity and He is teaching me to sit and trust in front of those closed doors rather than look for that proverbial “open window”. It has been a truly meaningful time for me.