
FREE GUIDE: How To Be Missional This Halloween


Halloween seems to be the one holiday we just don’t know what to do with. We are happy to celebrate cultural or historical holidays like the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, or New Year’s Day. We love religious holidays like Easter and Christmas. But Halloween…

Halloween has quite a mixed history, and so we don’t always know how to approach it.

And living on mission during Halloween can seem daunting. Sadly, we live in a culture where the idea of knocking on your neighbor’s door and having a conversation sounds completely alien.

Many of our neighborhoods operate on an unspoken understanding of “If you ignore me, I’ll return the favor.” Since the invention of the automatic garage door it has been possible to go months without even seeing the people you live next to, never mind actually talking to them.

However, once a year culture lobs us a softball called “Halloween,” and with just the slightest amount of intentionality the stranger down the block can become a friend. You just have to be willing to swing the bat.

Here is a free guide packed with 46+ helpful tips and resources for making the most of your opportunity this Halloween.

Use this Free 14-point Guide to help you be on mission this Halloween: