Forge America exists to help birth and nurture the missional church in America.
In order to do this, Forge America cultivates missional community across the United States by identifying, developing, and nurturing missional leaders. Forge does not plant churches or run ministries, but instead trains missionaries to thrive in whatever context they are called to, be that a local church, a neighborhood, a professional network, etc. Through grass roots residencies, church transition consultation, seminary programs, and missional training and networking events, the Forge tribe is pushing into cities across America, investing their lives for missional movement.
A Missionary Training Network
While Forge doesn’t plant churches, we do champion and connect missional pioneers. Forge is unique in that it allies innovative church plants, mission ventures, a wide variety of theological colleges, and a number of major evangelical denominations and agencies. The Forge network is led by active missional practitioners who are able to offer significant experiential training in pioneering contexts.
Why Forge?
As the church, we find ourselves in a new mission context. In our present cultural climate, most experienced evangelists and missionaries recognize that intentional mission responses and church planting is the most effective approach.
Forge America—launched in 2010—is a part Forge International, which was established in Victoria, Australia in 1996, to bring about a shift toward a more missional paradigm in which every member of the body is part of the mission of God. We wholeheartedly believe that Forge International will play a vital role in the church emerging in American and on the edges of first-world mission fields across the globe.