In this video in the Soma "4Gs" series, Megan Sobocinski shares how she has experienced the truth that God is glorious, so she doesn't have to fear others.
"We need to take people back to John 1: 9 - The blood of Jesus Christ, God's son, cleanses us from all sin. This is what changes people!" - Dr. John Perkins
"The biggest mistake I made was I told people to go be Jesus to people. None of you can be Jesus to people - only Jesus can be Jesus to people." - Jeff Vanderstelt
This is a portion of the Radical sermon series which is the basis for Radical the book and Radical the Bible study. Don't miss David Platt at Verge 2012 -
It's easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like. David Platt challenges us to rethink our commitment to Jesus.
Francis Chan, Matt Carter, Alan Hirsch and Odd Thomas all exhort and challenge us to keep Jesus at the center of all we are and do in these inspiring videos.
"I'd rather be in a pit guarded by the Taliban, with Jesus, than sitting in my comfortable house building up my retirement, without Him." Francis Chan, in this powerful video clip.