God’s original hope and intention for people–all people–that their lives and families would show the world what he is really like. You may not have been raised this way, but the next best time to begin...is now.
A very large majority of Christians see only a very small percentage of their lives dedicated to the mission of making disciples. It’s time to equip and mobilize Jesus’ church out of the building and into life.
Like much of God’s creation, holidays can be—and have been—distorted for all sorts of less-than-holy purposes. But what if we can can we redeem this holiday season, and use it for God's work?
Your church is only as good as it's disciples. If that is true, then what is the most effective method for discipleship in the world right now and what can we learn from it? Find out.
Is not the mission of God to see people not only reconciled to God, but also diverse groups reconciled to each other? In this video, Leonce Crump challenges us to pursue racial reconciliation in light of the gospel.
How is it possible to live life on mission in the midst of a busy schedule? Jayne Vanderstelt gives you great advice that might surprise you...and help.