Dr. David Platt is deeply devoted to Christ and His Word. David's first love in ministry is disciple-making—the simple biblical model of teaching God's Word, mentoring others and sharing faith. He has traveled extensively to teach the Bible and church leaders throughout the United States and around the world.
David holds a deep and abiding passion for global disciple-making. "I believe that God has uniquely created every one of His people to impact the world. Some may count it as idealistic, but I believe it is thoroughly biblical, rooted in Psalm 67:1-2, yet covering Scripture from beginning to end. God is in the business of blessing His people so that His ways and His salvation might be made known among all people."
"When it comes to talking about making disciples, it's not about individual followers of Jesus, on their own, lone rangers making disciples. It's about being apart of a body and together making disciples." David Platt
This is a portion of the Radical sermon series which is the basis for Radical the book and Radical the Bible study. Don't miss David Platt at Verge 2012 - http://verge2012.org
It's easy for American Christians to forget how Jesus said his followers would actually live, what their new lifestyle would actually look like. David Platt challenges us to rethink our commitment to Jesus.