
3 Challenges and Strategies for Women’s Ministry

[This article is based on an interview with Chris Adams who has served in women’s ministry with Lifeway for many years. Read more about her what she thinks are the major challenges in ministering to women as well as some strategies she has found to be helpful.]

Q: What are some of the main challenges for women ministering in the church? And what are some strategies you see that can help overcome those challenges?

The main challenges I see are (1) connecting the generations of women within the church, (2) siloed ministries, and (3) helping women go against the grain of culture.

Challenge #1: Because each of these generations is so unique- if we could see all the differences of each generation, we would think, “Well, how in the world are you going to connect all of these generations?” So I think that can be a bit of a challenge. But, God calls us to come together as women of all ages and stages of life, and serve in His kingdom and pour into the life of our church and our community. So, how do we do that? We’ve got to be creative. And , what are the ways that we are breaking down the barriers between the generations to show that every generation that is alive today is absolutely vital to the life of our body of Christ and the church as a whole around the world.

Strategy #1: I think part of that is showing how each layer is being built by the one that came before, and doing things that pull these generations together and let them share the stories of our lives and experiences to say, “You know what, we’re different but have a lot in common as well.” And when they start to hear the stories of the different generations- both old and young- I think that begins to help those generations connect together.

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Challenge #2: Siloed ministries in the church, where women’s ministry is over here, and kid’s ministry is over there, and men’s ministry is over there, etc.

Strategy #2: A lot of our churches today aren’t functioning that way. They’re really breaking down those silos and asking: “How can you be a resource to me as a women’s minister?

Let’s say I’m a man leading a group of co-ed adults, and let’s say “I really need help, I really need a woman pouring into them… Can you be a resource to me?” So, instead of creating this ministry where we’re raising up women to lead in women’s ministry, the focus should really be how we can reach women, help them grow in their walk with the Lord, and set them free to do ministry wherever God is calling them to serve.

Women’s ministry is whatever you’re doing for and with the women of the church, period. It’s how you’re engaging those women to connect; helping to resource and set them free to serve the Lord in any way He would call them.

Challenge# 3: Helping women go against the grain of the culture. In today’s world, culture infiltrates every single thing we do, including the church. And so helping women stand against what the culture is saying is okay, and going back to the Word of God, and saying, “But, what does God’s word say? And how do we equip women to lead holy lives in a world that is anything but?” And that is a huge challenge.

Strategy# 3: We see things coming into the church that are out in the culture, and, because it’s out there, they think it’s okay. And helping them coming back to what God is calling us to do today, to lead holy lives in the midst of that.