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[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” thickness=”0″ up=”30″ down=”0″][vc_column_text]Many pastors and church leaders feel ill-equipped and frustrated when it comes to care and counseling. It is not uncommon that their only training was one or two classes in seminary, yet much of what is required as a pastor involves the messiness of sin and suffering in the people we are called to serve. Emotional and mental health issues, conflict, the slow progress of sanctification are complex challenges that every pastor faces daily. Not just in the lives of the congregation but in their own life. How do you maintain the vision and mission of the church, provide godly leadership, ensure that Sunday services are organized weekly and find time to care for people in the church and the city?
This cohort will help equip leaders and pastors with developing a culture within their church that will involve every person in the responsibility of caring for one another and those outside the church. Participants will have a place to learn a theology and practice of gospel care, as well as wrestle with and strategize ways to move their church forward in this way. We will discuss tools to care for people in a loving, practical, and gospel-centered way as well as how to involve the whole church.
This online Coaching Cohort is designed specifically for pastors to equip them with the structure, processes and tools to develop a community that cares for people in a loving, practical, and gospel-centered way. This Cohort will address both the theology and practice of gospel-centered pastoral counseling as well as:
SESSION ONE: Crafting a Whole Church Vision for Care
SESSION TWO: Developing Healthy Pastoral Boundaries
SESSION THREE: Pastoral Triage for Sin and Suffering (Anxiety, depression, addiction, marriage counseling, mental illness and abuse, etc.)
SESSION FOUR: Developing a Plan for Equipping Others
SESSION FIVE: Utilizing Resources and Making Referrals
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* Since this is a live coaching course with a very limited number of participants, there are no refunds after the cohort begins.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”transparent” thickness=”0″ up=”37″ down=”0″][vc_column_text]
STEP 1: Apply and pay registration before the group is full (12 leaders).
STEP 2: We will set you up in your online group, where you can ask questions and connect
STEP 3: Start 1st video session on February 26th, learning with Jason over 6 months and growing in knowledge, skill and compassion.
Group session schedule:
4th Wednesdays of the month, 10AM – 12PM CST:
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Jason Kovacs has been serving individuals, leaders, families, churches and non-profit organizations in the areas of pastoral care, counseling, and orphan advocacy for over 20 years. He’s been active in church planting, started a non-profit, and served as the Pastor of Counseling at the Austin Stone Community Church where he founded and directed The Austin Stone Counseling Center. Utilizing his intuitive and unique 360-degree assessment process, he is an active mentor to churches all over North America that want to develop a culture of care.
Jason received his Masters of Arts with focus on Counseling from Reformed Theological Seminary and utilizes a gospel-centered, clinically-informed approach. He has had specialized training in trauma care through TBRI® and is a member of the Association of Biblical Counselors. He has been married for over 15 years to Shawnda and has 5 incredible children.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row]