For far too many Christians, the idea of being part of a church simply means attending a Sunday morning service, maybe a small group, or a sprinkling of special events each year. Is that what God had in mind for his bride, the Church, when he sent his son to save her?
Jesus lived, died, and rose again to save a people who would live everyday, every moment for his glory. A people who understand the gospel permeates every aspect of their life. This begins with understanding ministry isn’t just what pastors do on Sundays and discipleship is much more than a class or program. Instead, every believer has been called:
- to a life of 24/7 submission to Jesus Christ
- to join with others on God’s mission as servant missionaries
- to see ourselves as sent ones
Called and sent … into the space God has planted us to bring the experience of Jesus’ rule and reign into a dark world, proclaim the gospel, and make disciples.
Imagine your city, neighborhood, schools and workplace proclaiming the glory of Jesus through word and gracious deed so that every man, woman, and child has a daily encounter with Jesus.
Share this: Imagine your city, neighborhood, schools and workplace proclaiming the glory of Jesus through word and deed.
Communities centered around Jesus and his mission are the heart of what God has called His Church to be and do. Attending Saturate Everyday Event with Jeff Vanderstelt will give you a vision for what it might look like to saturate your own community with the gospel so that every man, woman, and child has a daily encounter with Jesus.