
Finding Your True Identity

It’s All About Jesus

James and the other Sudanese Christians that I spent time with had no possessions, no country, no homes, and in some cases no earthly families­—nothing left to put their hope in. But they had found the only thing that truly satisfies our hearts: Jesus. They didn’t have or need material possessions to be happy, and there was nothing profound for them to do.

They had found their very life—their identity and purpose—in Jesus.

As Christians they (and we) are a part of a family whose father is God himself. Jesus is our brother. And we have been sent by the Spirit on a life-altering mission to see more and more people come to know Jesus, and find eternal life and the same peace that he offers.

It is Jesus who pursues, secures, and maintains our position in the family of God. He died that we might be restored to a right relationship with his Father, back into the family we were originally created to be a part of. Jesus, our servant king, gave us his indwelling Spirit and sent us out on his mission.

It’s all about Jesus.

[box type=”shadow” ]CLICK TO TWEET: “It is Jesus who pursues, secures, and maintains our position in the family of God.” @caesarkal[/box]

The Bible teaches that if we are in Christ, we have become part of a family of missionary servants, sent as disciples who make disciples.

This is who we are. This is our new identity.

The more we understand and believe this to be true, the more our lives will be transformed—and the more peace, joy and purpose we will find in life.

So who are you?

TransformedCoverPic*This article is an excerpt from Caesar’s new book titled, Transformed: A New Way of Being Christian. CLICK HERE to get it.

What if Christianity were less about doing and more about being? In Transformed, author Caesar Kalinowski shows you that when you became a Christian everything about you changed in an instant. You received a new identity based on who Jesus is, not on who you were. As a believer, you literally become part of God’s family of missionary servants. This is who you are—not what you do.

Drawing on stories from Caesar’s own journey and life in community, Transformed looks realistically at the identity you have been given in Christ and how it reshapes everything about you. Set free from performance-driven spirituality and guilt, you will draw closer to God, allowing him to radically change the well-worn rhythms and patterns of your every day life and transform your relationships from the inside out. Transformed is for those who yearn for a deeper, more authentic faith, one that empowers you to live out of the truth of who God now says you are.

[author image=”https://vergenetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/CaesarKUpdated230x170.png” ]Caesar Kalinowski is a spiritual entrepreneur and an avid storyteller. He is a master missional strategist and coach who has helped numerous church planters start, grow and multiply new churches. He is one of the founding leaders of Soma Communities and currently serves as the Director of the GCM Collective. He is the author of Transformed: A New Way of Being Christian, The Gospel Primer and Be The Church. He and his wife of 30 years, Tina, live in New York City. Follow him online via Twitter @CaesarKal[/author]

